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Bears. Beets. Battlestar Galactica.

I love The Office.  I’ve watched all the seasons no less than 5 times and can quote just about every episode.  If I am having a hard time deciding what to watch on Netflix or just need some noise in the background of whatever I’m doing, The Office is what I go to.  

This week in our Missions Track classes we are talking about self-care.  Many of us, and missionaries in particular, fill our days with work, social obligations, church, taking care of our families, helping people out, etc and end up becoming exhausted and burnt out. 

Self-care is about taking time to step away from all the obligations and tasks you have in your day or week and do something that refreshes yourself.  It could be as simple as going for a walk outside or taking a bath or reading a chapter in your favorite book.  The point is, in order to continue pouring out to others, you have to make sure you’re keeping yourself healthy spiritually as well as physically, mentally and emotionally.  

For me, reading a book in my hammock on a nice day or going to a good restaurant with people I love and laughing over glasses of wine are things that nourish me.  And sometimes what I need is vegging out in front of the TV and laughing at Jim’s pranks on Dwight in The Office.  

What are the things that you do in your life to that feed your soul?  A manicure?  Working out?  Spending time in worship or prayer?  Find what it is and practice it regularly.  Take care of yourself so you can continue taking care of those around you.  

And if you have the chance watch The Office.  It is amazing and will change your life.